hexagram 19 mothering change. The Superior Man distributes his emoluments to those below; dwelling in virtue, he renounces them. hexagram 19 mothering change

 The Superior Man distributes his emoluments to those below; dwelling in virtue, he renounces themhexagram 19 mothering change  Zong Gua (underlying cause) 5 Nourishment While Waiting: Patience

The commentators suggest that the condition symbolized here is a necessary sequel to the regulation of the family in the preceding hexagram. Make no impulsive decisions. Line 5: Standstill is giving way = what if it should fail? Tie it to a mulberry tree. Change with grace and elegance. Nine in the fourth place. B. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 33 Retreat: Disengage. Clear away the confusion and return to your flow. Take the lead. Editor: Blofeld's note on the Confucian commentary sums up the meaning of the line best: "Fear is often a good mentor; by causing us to change our ways, it leads to happiness. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 38 Opposition: Accommodate. Yi, augmenting is a synonym of yi, change, as a gift or blessing, a transformation that is effected by a crossing like the transforming lines in the Change. This has inner and outer trigrams forming thunder over the lake. Winter (62): Find the seed of the new by making very careful moves. 40 -- Liberation -- 40 . Success is assured. Ritsema/Karcher:Retiring, Growing. The king's mind is without any deflection as he goes to his ancestral temple. It means us, all together, all of us. Qián (The Creative) Action: Initiate. By Adele Thomas June 19, 2023. Make an offering and you will succeed. Do not focus on inspiring others (1). Don’t just look at things. The small: Harvesting Trial. Use your power quietly and be generous with those who look to you for leadership. There is a profound lesson here which is best appreciated by meditating on the associations implied. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 54: Propriety: Subordinate. The motto is: Keep a small heart. Action: Open Hu Gua (hidden influence) 53: Development: Flower. A fundamental change for the better, or the first step toward unity: grass-roots support. The wealth of layers of association in this hexagram hint at a complex relationship of light and dark. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 28 Critical Mass: Adjust. Free I Ching Reading - Get a free online I Ching reading based on the 64 principles from the Book of Changes with interpretations inspired by the elements of nature. Do not resort to previous methods. Disaster!Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes a favorable wind. The transformative process of the pair 47:48 Confining and the Well develops the strength to escape from oppression by re-connecting with real human values. Liu: The wind over the lake symbolizes Inner Truthfulness. -Chuang Tzu. Advantageous Trial. The old character shows a knife, and a less-clear component that might be a well winch or a bag for filtering wine, separating the wine from the dregs. Auspicious. Be clear about who is above you and who is under you. HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWENTY-NINE – DANGER . You will be given the opportunity to direct your affection. In the contrast of the family, life reveals your deeper color. There is a great deal of unmapped country within us which would have to be taken into account in an explanation. Hexagram 19 (lín) Hexagram 20 (guān) Approach: Contemplation: Hexagram 21 (shi-ho) Hexagram 22 (Bi) Biting Through: Grace: Hexagram 23 (bo) Hexagram 24 (fu) Splitting Apart: Return:I Ching Hexagram 37 Chia Jen (Family). Here the wealth comes through retiring. Wei Ji, Not yet Crossing, is part of a group of four figures (1 and 2, 63 and 64) that form the Four Gates of Change, places where the Hidden Winds of the Four Directions enter the human world. Regret disappears. Auspicious. Spring (24): Rouse new growth through returning to your flow. Summer (27): Ripen the fruits by clearing the channels of communication. Beware of inept strategy and poor coordination. "-- D. ’ If a man carefully examines his thoughts, he will be surprised to find how much he lives in the future. The Superior Man reflects in his person the glory of heaven's virtue. . HEXAGRAM NUMBER SEVEN -- DISCIPLINE. Attract and join things through your willingness to accept them (31). Keep your focus. . Summer (42): Ripen the fruits by increasing involvements. Blofeld: This hexagram symbolizes wind blowing over a marshy lake. Nearing. In creating, the only hard thing is to begin: a grass blade’s no easier to make than an oak. It represents the positive concepts of anticipation and expectation, a time of growing power and energies that have not yet revealed themselves. The hexagram deals with the union between the ruler and his ministers -- between high and low in the kingdom. Make an offering and you will succeed. Other titles: Coming to Meet, The Symbol of Meeting, Contact, Sexual Intercourse, Encountering, Coupling, Infiltration by Inferior Men, Adultery "Contains a definite warning about a person or situation which may appear harmless but will prove. and 坤; Kūn, which represent earth, as father and mother, respectively, of. If you cannot change the direction of the wind, adjust your sails and let it guide you. Make an offering and you will succeed. HEXAGRAM NUMBER THIRTY-SEVEN – FAMILY . IN THE MANIFESTED REALITY. Without fault. 49, Radical Change. Don’t get caught in the details. Life doesn’t happen to us, it happens because of us. This hexagram signifies the importance of deciding and taking action, even if it means breaking the status quo. Hexagram 17 Sui Following. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 16 Enthusiasm: Align. The hexagram deals with the union between the ruler and his ministers -- between high and low in the kingdom. Free yourself from old entanglements. Nurture hidden growth. Hexagram 19, also known as “Nearing,” symbolizes a time when a great opportunity is at hand. Outer to Inner: The process transforms the Mediator trigram in the outer world of 17 into the Matchmaker trigram in the inner world of 18. Other titles: The Corners of the Mouth, Providing Nourishment, The Symbol of the Cheek and of Nourishment, Jaws, Lower Jaw, Nurturing, Swallowing, Sagacious Counsel, Nourishing, To Feed, "Can mean money, usually as the result of. Hold on to the hidden connections. The Pair is made up of Fire and Water in maximum integration and suggests all the metaphors of cooking and. Make an offering and you will succeed. Free I Ching Reading - Get a free online I Ching reading based on the 64 principles from the Book of Changes with interpretations inspired by the elements of nature. Under line one the young woman of the hexagram appears in the inferior position of this half-sister. Make an offering and you will succeed. Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck, leads the flock to fly and follow. Liu: Wind blowing around the foot of the mountain symbolizes Work after Spoiling. 19 -- Approach -- 19 . The superior man distributes wealth below him, without displaying his favors. Prospering. s. I. and call on the older wise female member of your family for guidance. Beware of pushing forward alone or over-reacting to opportunities. This allows energy and breath to circulate freely. This hexagram pair, 57/58, is flanked by 55 / 56 and 59 / 60, which are complementary (change all the lines of 55 to get 59, and all the lines of 56 to get 60). Liu: The wind over the lake symbolizes Inner Truthfulness. Have no fear. Other titles: Family Life, Clan, Home, Linkage, Dwelling People, The Psyche, "May indicate a situation where the family can and should help. Fall (33): Harvest the crop by restraining your enthusiasm. When the operation is completed, a. Liu: Clouds rise up in the sky; this symbolizes Waiting. Wilhelm/Baynes: On the mountain, a tree: the image of Development. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY-FOUR -- TEMPTATION . Dissolve old structures and liquidate assets. Look up the changed hexagram – the ‘relating hexagram’ – in the. Winter (45): Find the seed of the new by speaking out about where you are and what you want to do. The Pair 29:30 Ghost River and Radiance is an Engine of Change that develops the courage to accept all challenges and the clarity to be of help to others. The superior man differentiates between high and low, and thus fixes the minds of the people. A confederation of lower elements combines to serve a greater whole. In. Winter (45): Find the seed of the new by speaking out about where you are and what you want to do. For instance, in hexagram three (thunder + water), Chun is “a blade of grass pushing against an obstacle as it sprouts out of the. Other titles: Family Life, Clan, Home, Linkage, Dwelling People, The Psyche, "May indicate a situation where the family can and should help. What is unobservable in this world is gestating in unseen form. [The component trigrams combine the concepts of wind and blandness -- hence a favorable wind. – Seneca. The Superior Man distributes his emoluments to those below; dwelling in virtue, he renounces them. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 30: Clarity: Persist. Serve your highest ideals. Line 1:The Superior Man is able to carry affairs through to completion. Build cohesiveness, instruct people, mobilize energy and take the lead. The struggle is not over yet. I'm sure there is some other reason/pattern why these 2 pairs kind of stand. Winter (62): Find the seed of the new by making very careful moves. Beauty does best, yields a harvest, when it has a direction to go. They are preoccupied with themselves. If you don't know what cannot be done, you will accomplish great things. The lesson for him is to wait because the power operating against him is too strong. Advantageous Trial. Make an offering and you will succeed. HEXAGRAM NUMBER THIRTY-SEVEN – FAMILY . Zong Gua (underlying cause) 5 Nourishment While Waiting: Patience. Line six is dynamic, and should be considered out of the work of the. Clear away the confusion and return to your flow. 1 Inspiring Force/Creator QIAN. The Creative was the father, The Receptive, the mother, with the other attributes referring to three sons and three daughters. You are in the Realizing phase of this Pair. The Pair 1:2 Force and Field is an Engine of Change that develops the transformative power to both inspire and realize things. Don’t try to control the process. Disorder after completion is inevitable. The ancient character appears to be an elaborated, decorated version of the character for ‘drum’: see Richard Sears’ site –. 16 Providing for YU F Providing for a Joyous Response. Think things over very carefully and teach others. 27 -- Nourishment -- 27 . Any cause for sorrow will soon disappear. Serve your highest ideals. I Ching Hexagram 27 Yi (Nourishing Vision). Hu Gua (hidden influence) 54 Propriety: Subordinate. 56. Stay focused. Adapt to the time by giving up personal desires and supporting those who look up to. 7 -- Discipline -- 7 . giving the image of a wooden bucket in the water of a well. The heart grows daily humbler, while the virtue grows daily higher. Legge: The hexagram of Expansion denotes a state of dissipation or dispersion. The Pair is made up of Fire and Water in maximum integration and suggests all the metaphors of cooking and. Advantageous to step into the Great Stream. Mothering Change presents Transforming Lines as Steps of Change that show you where and how to focus your energy. Fruitless to take up arms; Fruitful to have a direction to go. 27 -- Nourishment -- 27 . I Ching Hexagram 43 Guai (Determination). For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something else. Only through letting go of the old and embracing the new can. Other titles: The Army, The Symbol of Multitude and of Army, Legions/ Leading, The Troops, Collective Force, Discipline, Soldiers, Group Action, A Disciplined Multitude, Ego Discipline, Willpower "Can refer to mourning but its essential meaning is Discipline. Clear the channels of communication. The Grey Rat. Hexagram 48 • Line 5. Most of the lines either depict the danger of such a situation or warn about how to control it. The I Ching, or ancient Chinese Oracle of Change, is second only to the Bible as the most widely read and interpreted book in the world. Ming Yi, Brightness Hiding is the Dark Sun, the sun in the earth and the sacrifice to the dark powers at the Earth Altar. I Ching Hexagram 11 T'ai (Peace) Action: Relax. Changes are coming so abide in your power and virtue. Image 2: Powerful mother energy: the baby still did not understand what he would need tomorrow, and the mother had already prepared everything in advance. This is why nurturance by the small is developmental. Hook . In Change there is the Supreme Polarity,. Disorder succeeds to order, and. The Pair 29:30 Ghost River and Radiance is an Engine of Change that develops the courage to accept all challenges and the clarity to be of help to others. Cui (Gathering Together) Action: Network. Most of the lines either depict the danger of such a situation or warn about how to control it. a. It is not the time for active doing. Rouse people’s Idealism. HEXAGRAM NUMBER FORTY – LIBERATION . A. Ending it in the Eighth Moon: Trap! The Way closes. Hexagram #10's Lower Trigram of Lake. Spring (17): Rouse new growth by applying your experience to the ongoing project. The Pair is made up of Fire and Water in maximum integration and suggests all the metaphors of cooking and transforming, a continual creative relation to. Action: Remedy Hu Gua (hidden influence) 54 Propriety: Subordinate. I've received hexagram 19uc many times and overall at the moment mostly take it as suggestive of the sense of promise. Crossing the line: guo. Paintings and Prescriptions hexagram 39. Don’t be timid. It is a hand holding the Moon, a Master of Change. Dwelling People. 22 Adorning Bi. Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew. Don’t try to do too much. Success comes when you pull your nature forward without pushing yourself into the world. Get rid of. The Superior Man, by stimulating people's hearts, nourishes their virtue. This is an Advantageous Trial for the foolish youth. I Ching. Summer (25): Ripen the fruits by clarifying your purpose. then yin and yang alternated in 63/64. I Ching Hexagram 19 Lin (Approach). Use the wisdom of the past to nurture your inner power. I ching Lin (Approach) I Ching Hexagram 19 Lin (Approach) Action: Advance Hu Gua (hidden influence) 24 Return: Go Back Zong Gua (underlying cause) 33 Retreat:. It shows men's minds alienated from correctness and sure to go on to disorder. It is always better to fail in doing something than to excel in doing nothing. Change your perspective. Action: Prepare Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew. Good times seem inevitable, and there is vitality in the air. Ritsema/Karcher:Retiring, Growing. Summer (38): Ripen the fruits. For this reason I think you should go with Emily. A quarrel is quickly settled when deserted by one party: there is no battle unless there be two. To follow the energy of life, you will discover that it is always seeking the best of what you might become. It is spring, the time of fools. Ask two and three times, you obscure it. Welcome to I Ching: Mothering Change, a free online divination program developed especially for In the Family Way in collaboration with Stephen Karcher, Ph. 24, Returning. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 4 Youthful Folly: Try Again. Balance and adjust things by cutting through pride and complication. This turns your need to manage the flow of. On the Cast Hexagram-, Hexagram Lines- and Transformed Hex-tab you can click through to the corresponding original I Ching translation, if applicable. 7 -- Discipline -- 7 . We are told not to cross the bridge until we come to it, but this world is owned by those who crossed. 55 Abounding FENG. Legge:Contraction means collecting together, or things so collected. Action: Accept. This line (and indeed the entire hexagram) is often received in answer to questions concerning creativity or the creative process. Advantageous to step into the Great Stream. Gain their support. ‘Returning, creating success. Action: Excite. Don’t make plans, just listen. Return is associated with the time of the winter solstice when the sun begins its journey back toward summer. Use what talent you possess; the woods would be silent if no birds sang except those that sang best. The term was used to describe all relations outside the norms, unions based on passion that lead to major changes. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 43: Determination: Breakthrough. A lake is a place where water collects. Hmm so what does Wing say of 16 unchanging, she calls 16 'harmonize' and says. Think about real goals and take a decisive stand for change. The Chinese name of Hexagram 47, translated as ‘Confined’, ‘Exhaustion’, ‘Oppressed’, shows a tree enclosed on all sides by walls. Do not worry over what seems gone. Other titles: Limitation, Restraint, Regulations, Articulating, Receipt, Restraining, Containment Judgment . I Ching Hexagram 53 Ji’an (Development). Don’t be timid. Reading at a. [This hexagram represents joy in practicing the Tao. 48 as relating often seems to show the backdrop as pool of. Sojourning through the Small. Just looking at the shape of the. Advantageous to have a direction to go. I Ching Hexagram 16 Yu (Enthusiasm). This suggests a compulsive, unconscious drive, or an ill-considered impulse to act. The Superior Man consults both high and low and thereby steadies the people's will. Family is a microcosm. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 12 Standstill: Release. Legge: In the first line, dynamic, we see its subject as the dragon lying hid in the deep. v. Develop the strength of your central idea. Collect the energy to start anew. I Ching Hexagram 25 Wu Wang (Innocence). A transition from chaos to order is referenced by this hexagram. I Ching Hexagram 45. Compare the first two hexagrams with hexagram number eleven, Harmony, and number twelve, Divorcement, noting the implications of the symbolism in terms of the proper management of the Work. ’. Wei Ji, Not yet Crossing, is part of a group of four figures (1 and 2, 63 and 64) that form the Four Gates of Change, places where the Hidden Winds of the Four Directions enter the human world. He rides over water in a vessel of wood, and will cross the great stream with success. 11: Harmony. 23 Stripping BO. Don’t get caught in. This classic translation from Chinese was in German, by Richard Wilhelm in 1923. Male and female mix their seed, and all creatures take shape and are born. Action: Advance. The forty-ninth hexagram makes an analogy between the natural Metamorphosis of animal pelts and the proper way to regard radical changes in government. It describes the stage of being fully present at the culmination of a development. Use severe measures to correct wrongdoing. ) The thirty-fifth hexagram shows the trigram of Clarity progressing over the earth -- an image of advancing awareness. Do not get stuck in the mire and muck of your mind. 39 -- Impasse -- 39 . e. The marriage is between lines two and five, and when they both change the hexagram created is number 63, After Completion, the "perfect" or reference hexagram determining all correct relationships. Accumulate the Small to achieve the Great. Inspire your family. Don’t make plans, just listen. The cause for sorrow disappears. 58 Opening/Mediator DUI. D. Exactly how this understanding comes about, and exactly what ‘mother’s corruption’ and ‘father’s corruption’ refer to, is intensely personal . Close; Quick Insights – Short, simple courses on interpretive tools and approaches that give you quick insight into your readings – available as part of Change Circle membership. Winter (31): Find the seed of the new by contemplating what comes next. It is the spontaneous movement of a being who, by yielding to the overwhelming force of the spirit, fulfills its true destiny. Use the wisdom of the past to nurture your inner power. This life is calm, firm and provided with everything necessary. Philosophically, it is what enriches power and virtue ( de ), rising and opening from the seeds. Spring (17): Rouse new growth by applying your experience. All of the hexagram texts in Mothering Change summon the Spirit Helpers of the trigrams, and speak through the Voice of the Mothers and the Voice of the Fathers. Dispersing. Beware of procrastination, trusting the wrong people, oppressive authority. Spring (11): Rouse new growth by disentangling yourself from past influences. 10 Treading LU. Make efficient and economic use of resources in an atmosphere of trust and confidence. Voyager, there are no bridges; one builds them as one walks. Be brave and independent. Hook Judgment . Zong Gua (underlying cause) 46: Pushing Upward: Ascend. s. 5 -- Waiting -- 5 . Zong Gua (underlying cause) 26 Controlled Power: Amplify. Action: Innovate. With truth, cry out, there is danger. Hook . In the same way that spiders pursue only what lands in their web, millions of tiny jellyfish ride the ocean currents to trap plankton wherever they are led. There is a destiny that makes us brothers, no one goes his way alone; All that we send into the lives of others comes back. Cleary (1): Joy is developmental, beneficial if correct. Action: Go Back. Other titles: The Wanderer, The Symbol of the Traveler, The Exile, Sojourning, The Newcomer, To Lodge, To Travel, Traveling, The Stranger, Strangers, The Traveling Stranger, The Outsider, The Alien, The Gnostic, The Tarot Fool, Wandering, Homeless,. To persist in small matters is of benefit. It is not the time for active doing. 62, Small Exceeding. Spring (55): Rouse new growth by spreading abundance to all. Zong Gua (underlying cause) 64 Before Completion: Prepare. The central idea is crossing a line – whether that’s a standard of morality or of customs, or a border in time (such as the change of. Create inspiration for others. Make efficient and economic use of resources in an atmosphere of trust and confidence. But change is eternal, and here we see the beginnings of recovery from the former situation. Don’t try to advance yourself. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. It does not maul you. There is a thing confusedly formed ~ life is an all or nothing equation. The King sacrifices at the Earth Altar: No mourning! He makes the sacrifice at noon and sets the armies marching. The gravity of matter merges with the upward radiation of light to create a condition of deep harmony. Other titles: The Symbol of Advance and Arrival, Nearing, Overseeing, Condescension, Getting Ahead, Promotion, Conduct, Drawing Near, Becoming Great, The Forest, Advance, Advancing, "Two people advancing together; or a good influence which hasn't been seen. Wise Words! The Way is open. A New Interpretation of Hexagrams!8 -- Holding Together -- 8 . I Ching Hexagram 19 Lin (Approach) Action: Advance. C. Its shadow is timidity and fear. The King approaches the Ancestral Temple to receive blessings for all. Legge: In the first line, dynamic, we see its subject as the dragon lying hid in the deep. A child, an idea, an undertaking, whatever. Success is assured. Reading at a Glance: After a period of feeling fulfilled,. Stripping. Life is a quarry, out of which we are to mold and chisel and complete a character. The term was used to describe all relations outside the norms, unions based on passion that lead to major changes. Learn the lessons of the past. You are in the Realizing phase of this Pair. Summer (27): Ripen the fruits by clearing the channels of communication. The image of the 46th hexagram is of a plant growing in the earth, gradually pushing upward toward the sun. Nevertheless, you are still treading on thin ice. The transformative process of the pair 57:58 Subtle Penetration and Opening develops the insight to release hidden suffering and the capacity to express the spirit in the human community. I can see hexagram 1 and 2, 63 and 64 as like a pair of bookends containing all life's experience between them. ” When this is the only changing line, the new hexagram becomes Number sixteen, Enthusiasm, giving us an altogether energetic and action-oriented image. Be brave and independent. Communicate positive feeling, togetherness, enthusiasm, joy and laughter. First comes fear, then a sharpened vision. HEXAGRAM NUMBER TWENTY-SEVEN -- NOURISHMENT . Adversity is how life unleashes your excellence from within. Cut through pride and complication and you will signal to your true kin. Spring (60): Rouse new growth by articulating the new time. Use your imagination and don’t fall into self-pity. Hexagram number 37 reminds us that our relationships with family and friends can provide us with insight.